gharris999;593950 Wrote: 
> Just curious: is there a reason that you DON'T want to use 7.52?  As a
> long time SBS user (going back to slimserver v 4.x days) I've always
> regarded the "testing" version, while stamped as beta, actually more
> stable than the released version.  It's those small, incremental
> bug-fixes that make it into the trunk code of the released version that
> make all the difference, IMHO.  7.6 is, in some ways, still really
> alpha, though I've personally been running it as my production SBS
> since last April.

I am okay to continue using 7.5.2, which was already my plan of action,
since I do like to use your plugin.

I guess I was hoping that for the users of the latest Vortexbox
release, either that SvrPowerControl is working for them, (perhaps
indicating that my home-brew hardware is atypical), or that a fix could
eventually be provided. 

>From my own selfish perspective, I do not need any further help, but
wanted to report my findings anyway. Thanks for your work on


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