epoch1970;609533 Wrote: 
> Really old curmudgeons use Aquamacs on the mac ;)
> But you can get the excellent TextWrangler for free on the mac app
> store, too (and this one understands perl regexps for search and
> replace, contrary to emacsÂ…)
> Using 10.6.6 on an alu (2010) mac mini, I see mostly reliable power
> management. Methinks 10.5.8 was a bit more reliable, though.
> Perhaps you want to want to reset some firmware in your machine ('KB
> article on SMC' (http://support.apple.com/kb/ht3964)), I've seen this
> work a few times.
Thanks.  I had already been through the SMC reset procedure.  The only
way I can make the system sleep using regular 'ol Energy Saver settings
is by doing a safe boot.  Then the system seems well behaved.  Absent
that, I'm now being forced to use PleaseSleep.

I think I'm headed towards a scrape clean and os reinstall on this
machine.  Probably some months away, though.  The boot-camped Windows 7
partition has an active project residing on it and that OS is working

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