JJZolx wrote: 
> Yes, I can also see Preferences now.
> A couple of suggestions for the layout and 'Info': Seems that when the
> Info area is minimized/hidden, you could display only the thin bar with
> the control, and not the thicker 'Info' bar. Maybe better yet, display
> only a tab-like control in the bottom center, further minimizing the
> screen real estate this uses when minimized.
Good point, will be in the next version.
> Instead of the pop-up info when a new track begins playing, why not use
> the Info area?
I'm not aware of this pop-up - which one do you mean?

> Some things about Currently Playing:
> - On the Song tab, Artist is never filled in, but I get a lot of stuff
> in Contributors.
That depends on how you tag your tracks (Artist vs. Album Artist). For
me, it's exactly the reverse. I'll probably simply hide the field if
it's empty.

> - On the Song tab, the album cover treatment is odd. It's chopped off
> vertically to fit the space. I would think you'd want to scale it to
> show the whole cover, then display the full-sized cover on mouseover.
> Alternatively, you could add a scroll bar to the area where the cover is
> displayed.
It scales horizontally, and then to aspect ratio. I'll have a look if I
can find out how much space there is vertically, and then take the min.

> - On the Artist/Album tab you need to show the artist name for the
> albums. When playing a song by two different artists, it lists albums
> from both of the artists on this tab, but doesn't show who the albums
> are by.
Actually, I removed the artist's name on purpose to save space (I don't
use multiple artists) - I'l probably have to re-think this 

> There have been some nice changes, but there's still a lot that can be
> improved. 
Certainly - you are welcome to contribute, it's open source after all.

> More could be done with cookies, saving things like the user's Album
> sort order.
Not sure why cookies should be used for that - preferences are currently
saved on the server, and I don't see a good reason to change that

> As it stands now, because of how long it takes to load, how long it
> takes Albums to fully populate, and because no state is saved, for the
> UI to be useful it has to be kept continuously open in a browser. It's
> not something you'd launch to skip a track or to play an album you have
> in mind. Using the existing web UI is far more convenient for that.
As I noted before: the way the GUI works it simply needs a certain level
of performance from the server, or the user experience will be sub
optimal. This requirement is not going to change significantly in the

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