
I had some issues with Google Play Music tracks having short distortion
at the beginning of the track so I looked into your squeezelite
parameters and have some suggestions...

First of all, I'd always suggest using the "hw" parameter instead of
"plug" or similar. It brings down the CPU useage significantly.

For the internal sound card, I'd suggest using the default parameters:

"Squeezelite -o hw:CARD=ALSA -a 80:4 -n YourNameHere -m
xx:yy:zz:11:22:33" (make the MAC address of the player the same as the
MAC of the network interface)

If you use Squeezelite with advanced parameters like upsamling, this
will eat a lot of CPU power if you leave it running on "plug" instead of
The Odroid has enugh CPU power, but there is no reason to waste it.. ;)

Another suggestion: if the system us used only for Squeezelite/LMS, then
removing Pulsaudio is probably a good idea since it can interfere with
ALSA and cause sound problems. Maybe you can make this an option on the


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