PasTim wrote: 
> Yes, but on my system the ports seems to vary.  I gave up and opened up
> a range in the 30000 to 40000s.  There are some other 'standard' ones
> that ufw says need to be open, such as:
> > 
  >   > 
  > 1900/udp                   ALLOW IN    Anywhere
  > 5431                       ALLOW IN    Anywhere
  > 49152                      ALLOW IN    Anywhere
  > 80                         ALLOW IN    Anywhere
> > 
> But I really can't be sure.  I spent a very long time trying to me
> more precise, and failed.  
> That's not good.  I don't know what it can be doing.  Is the log full
> of stuff?  If you stop are restart is it still like that?

When I stop it, it stops, restart still runs full blast. I'm running
Ubuntu 14.04 64bit, and the copy of squeeze2upnp from latest dev/bin 

[13:13:14.532452] slimproto_loglevel:1002 slimproto change log
[13:13:14.532498] stream_loglevel:292 stream change log
[13:13:14.532505] output_mr_loglevel:269 output_mr init 2
[13:13:14.532510] uPNPLogLevel:376 uPNP change log
[13:13:14.532514] WebServerLogLevel:162 webserver change loglevel 2
[13:13:14.533712] uPNPInitialize:960 uPNP init success -
[13:13:29.000113] UpdateMRThread:764 Begin uPnP devices update
[13:13:29.005070] UpdateMRThread:849 End uPnP devices update 5

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