djfake wrote: 
> Hi I am trying to get a Beep ( to work with LMS.
> It is Upnp compatible.
> I first ran this 
> LMS-to-uPnP-master/dev/bin$ ./squeeze2upnp-x86 -i config.xml
> [16:38:01.739761] slimproto_loglevel:1002 slimproto change log
> [16:38:01.739926] stream_loglevel:292 stream change log
> [16:38:01.739955] output_mr_loglevel:269 output_mr init 2
> [16:38:01.739977] uPNPLogLevel:376 uPNP change log
> [16:38:01.739998] WebServerLogLevel:162 webserver change loglevel 2
> [16:38:01.741408] uPNPInitialize:960 uPNP init success -
> [16:38:16.000269] UpdateMRThread:764 Begin uPnP devices update
> [16:38:16.008146] UpdateMRThread:849 End uPnP devices update 8
> [16:38:16.944816] main:1452 stopping squeelite devices ...
> [16:38:16.944878] main:1454 stopping uPnP devices ...
> [16:38:21.744031] main:1456 all done
> edited config.xml to include flac, then ran this: 
> LMS-to-uPnP-master/dev/bin$ ./squeeze2upnp-x86 
> [16:38:39.899767] slimproto_loglevel:1002 slimproto change log
> [16:38:39.899933] stream_loglevel:292 stream change log
> [16:38:39.899963] output_mr_loglevel:269 output_mr init 2
> [16:38:39.899987] uPNPLogLevel:376 uPNP change log
> [16:38:39.900012] WebServerLogLevel:162 webserver change loglevel 2
> [16:38:39.901256] uPNPInitialize:960 uPNP init success -
> [16:38:54.000154] UpdateMRThread:764 Begin uPnP devices update
> [16:38:54.005924] UpdateMRThread:849 End uPnP devices update 6
> [16:39:24.000234] UpdateMRThread:764 Begin uPnP devices update
> [16:39:24.012117] UpdateMRThread:849 End uPnP devices update 12
> [16:39:55.000206] UpdateMRThread:764 Begin uPnP devices update
> [16:39:55.007770] UpdateMRThread:849 End uPnP devices update 8
> [16:41:30.000132] UpdateMRThread:764 Begin uPnP devices update
> [16:41:30.010602] UpdateMRThread:849 End uPnP devices update 11
> [16:42:05.000695] UpdateMRThread:764 Begin uPnP devices update
> [16:42:05.010995] UpdateMRThread:849 End uPnP devices update 10
> [16:42:41.000899] UpdateMRThread:764 Begin uPnP devices update
> [16:42:41.013129] UpdateMRThread:849 End uPnP devices update 12
> [16:43:11.000137] UpdateMRThread:764 Begin uPnP devices update
> [16:43:11.005372] UpdateMRThread:849 End uPnP devices update 5
> However, after a while, I still do not see any more players available to
> LMS, including the Beep. Just the  Squeeze players I would expect to
> find.
Could you post your config.xml file?  Is the beep listed in it or not? 

Have you got any firewalls in place?

LMS 7.9 on VortexBox Midi, Xubuntu 14.04, FLACs 16->24 bit,
44.1->192kbps. LMS & Squeeze2upnp to MF M1 CLiC (to MF amp & ESLs) &
Marantz CR603 UPnP renderers.  Minimserver (server) & upplay (control
point) to same renderers & to upmpdcli/mpd PC renderers.  Squeezelite to
Meridian USB Explorer DAC to speakers/phones.  Wireless Xubuntu 14.04
laptop with firefox/upplay or Android 'phone with
Squeeze-Commander/BubbleUPnP controls LMS/Minimserver.   Have a Touch
with EDO, and a spare, but don't use.
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