I read the page and I like the idea of a plan for standardized
test. Howver, I am a little concerned with some parts of the plan.

The "unit tests" sound good but POE is a whole environment. So
having unit tests are a good thing for those parts that can
be isolated, but overall will have limited impact on the over
all test framework.

The "meta tests" are just "generic loop tests". I think you
should recharacterized the "meta tests" into two parts. The
first, loop implementation specific tests and the generic
loop tests. I know that is already sorta in there but the structure,
ie calling them "z00000" for both the implementation specific
loop tests and the generic loop tests, doesn't make the distinction

Further, other pluggable parts of POE need generic tests. Like
POE::Queue and what not.

My thoughts are along these lines:

- unit tests for those parts which are independent of the
  POE environment.

- Specific tests for Loop and Queue implementations.

- generic tests for Loop and Queue (run over each implementation)

- Tests for each of the other standard components.

I would like to help more, but I rarely log into IRC, and most
of this kind of discussion seems to go on there.


On Mon, 2 Feb 2004, Rocco Caputo wrote:

> Good morning.
> Tests are a vital part of the POE project.  Its current tests succeed at
> covering about 70% of POE's its instrumentable breakpoints, but they do
> so without any coherent plan.
> Starting around version 0.30, we'll be reorganizing POE's test files and
> expanding their scope.  We'll be migrating the tests from an old,
> homegrown library to Test::More in the process.  The entire effort
> hasn't been charted out, but it will probably span multiple releases,
> I've put the first draft online for consideration before we start
> scheduling the work.  If you're familiar with test design, if you think
> a better set of POE tests would help you out, or if you're just curious,
> please visit http://poe.perl.org/?POE_RFCs/Test_Reforms and comment on
> it here.
> Thank you.
> --
> Rocco Caputo - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://poe.perl.org/

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