On Tue, Feb 03, 2004 at 04:04:10PM -0500, Sean Egan wrote:
> I read the page and I like the idea of a plan for standardized
> test. Howver, I am a little concerned with some parts of the plan.
> The "unit tests" sound good but POE is a whole environment. So
> having unit tests are a good thing for those parts that can
> be isolated, but overall will have limited impact on the over
> all test framework.
> The "meta tests" are just "generic loop tests". I think you
> should recharacterized the "meta tests" into two parts. The
> first, loop implementation specific tests and the generic
> loop tests. I know that is already sorta in there but the structure,
> ie calling them "z00000" for both the implementation specific
> loop tests and the generic loop tests, doesn't make the distinction
> clear.
> Further, other pluggable parts of POE need generic tests. Like
> POE::Queue and what not.
> My thoughts are along these lines:
> - unit tests for those parts which are independent of the
>   POE environment.
> - Specific tests for Loop and Queue implementations.
> - generic tests for Loop and Queue (run over each implementation)
> - Tests for each of the other standard components.
> I would like to help more, but I rarely log into IRC, and most
> of this kind of discussion seems to go on there.

Thanks for the reply.  http://poe.perl.org/?POE_RFCs/Test_Reforms has
been harshly (and incompletely, but it's like 03:00 here) revised based
on your feedback.  I hope it captures the essence of your suggestions,
and I look forward to further refinements (especially in the incomplete
sections) (by anyone, not just Sean).

I think you're mistaken about IRC.  A lot of discussion winds up rotting
in obscurity on POE's wiki.  It contains a globally visible (and
editable) repository of design notes that nobody else uses.  I even
maintain a to-do list covering the goals for the next few POE releases
on it, although they tend to slip pretty badly.

So in practice the wiki's a flop.  I'm willing to post design documents
somewhere more effective.  Matt Cashner has suggested they go to this
mailing list.  They can be upwards of a few hundred lines, but I'm
willing to try it.

Suggestions.  If you got 'em, flaunt 'em.

Rocco Caputo - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://poe.perl.org/

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