> wrote:
>> I tried to build the Openoffice Port (oBSD 4.0) but the Sources are not
>> avaiable (not even a mirror works here).
> I downloaded OO.o sources few moments ago just fine. Though I had
> problems with screen on the other hand...
> --
> viq

You propably could tell me a working mirror then?
If I do try to fetch the Sources (via the portssystem) I get timeouts
(f.e. from humppa.hu wich does not provide a httpd anymore..) even from
the "mirrors".

Interesting ports on humppa.hu (
Not shown: 1670 closed ports
13/tcp   open  daytime
21/tcp   open  ftp     OpenBSD ftpd 6.6
22/tcp   open  ssh     OpenSSH 4.4 (protocol 2.0)
37/tcp   open  time     (32 bits)
111/tcp  open  rpcbind  2 (rpc #100000)
113/tcp  open  ident   OpenBSD identd
708/tcp  open  mountd   1-3 (rpc #100005)
2049/tcp open  nfs      2-3 (rpc #100003)
6667/tcp open  irc?
6668/tcp open  irc?
Service Info: OS: OpenBSD

Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 148.463 seconds
               Raw packets sent: 1732 (76.208KB) | Rcvd: 1837 (86.364KB)

I tried also FTP but it seams that humppa.hu does not provide an

wizzard $ ftp humppa.hu
Connected to humppa.hu.
220 humppa.hu FTP server (Version 6.6/OpenBSD) ready.
Name (humppa.hu:XXXX): anonymous
530 User anonymous unknown.
ftp: Login failed.
ftp> quit
221 Goodbye.
wizzard $

I triad it from different networks with different ISPs.
The result is all the same all the time...

===>  openoffice-2.0.3m179p0 depends on: zip-* - found
===>  openoffice-2.0.3m179p0 depends on: unzip-* - found
===>  openoffice-2.0.3m179p0 depends on: bison-* - found
===>  openoffice-2.0.3m179p0 depends on: pkgconfig-* - found
===>  openoffice-2.0.3m179p0 depends on: tcsh-* - found
===>  openoffice-2.0.3m179p0 depends on: p5-Archive-Zip-* - found
===>  openoffice-2.0.3m179p0 depends on: gmake-3.80p1 - found
===>  openoffice-2.0.3m179p0 depends on: gtk+2-* - found
===>  openoffice-2.0.3m179p0 depends on: python-2.3.* - found
===>  openoffice-2.0.3m179p0 depends on: db-* - found
===>  openoffice-2.0.3m179p0 depends on: curl-* - found
===>  openoffice-2.0.3m179p0 depends on: neon-* - found
===>  openoffice-2.0.3m179p0 depends on: libxslt-* - found
===>  Verifying specs: gdk-x11- gdk_pixbuf- gtk-x11-
python2.3.0.0 db.>=4 curl.>=2 neon.>=24 xslt.>=2 ICE SM X11 Xext
atk- c cairo expat fontconfig  freetype glib-
gmodule- gobject-  gthread- iconv intl jpeg m
pango-  pangocairo- pangoft2- pthread stdc++ xml2 z
===>  found gdk-x11-2.0.802.1 gdk_pixbuf-2.0.802.1 gtk-x11-2.0.802.1
python2.3.0.0 db.4.2 curl.3.4 neon.24.7 xslt.3.2 ICE.8.1 SM.8.0 X11.9.0
Xext.9.0 atk-1.0.1011.3 c.39.3 cairo.4.4 expat.6.0 fontconfig.3.0
freetype.13.1 glib-2.0.1000.3 gmodule-2.0.1000.3 gobject-2.0.1000.3
gthread-2.0.1000.3 iconv.4.0 intl.3.0 jpeg.62.0 m.2.3 pango-1.0.1200.3
pangocairo-1.0.1200.3 pangoft2-1.0.1200.3 pthread.6.3 stdc++.42.0 xml2.9.3
===>  Checking files for openoffice-2.0.3m179p0
>> OOo_SRC680_m179_source.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist on this system.
>> Fetch http://humppa.hu/OOo_SRC680_m179_source.tar.gz.
ftp: connect: Connection refused
>> Fetch
Unknown command.
Failed to open file.
>> Fetch
OOo_SRC680_m179_source.tar.gz: No such file or directory.
>> Fetch
Trying 2001:6c8:6:4::7...
ftp: connect to address 2001:6c8:6:4::7: No route to host
Trying 2001:4f8:0:2::e...
ftp: connect to address 2001:4f8:0:2::e: No route to host
No such directory.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/editors/openoffice (line 2124 of
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/editors/openoffice (line 1578 of
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/editors/openoffice (line 1767 of
godfather $

I suggest you update your ports tree.

/usr/ports/editors/openoffice:219>$ make checksum
===>  Checking files for openoffice-2.0.4p6
OOo_2.0.4_src.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist on this system.
 0% |

                            |   557 KB    29:15 ETA^C
receive aborted
waiting for remote to finish abort.
*** /exports/ftp/pub/distfiles/OOo_2.0.4_src.tar.gz removed

Kind regards,
Don't buy anything from YeongYang.
Their Computercases are expensiv, they WTX-powersuplies start burning and
their support refuse any RMA even there's still some warenty.


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