>>>> I tried to build the Openoffice Port (oBSD 4.0) but the Sources are
>>>> not
>>>> avaiable (not even a mirror works here).
>>> I downloaded OO.o sources few moments ago just fine. Though I had
>>> problems with screen on the other hand...
> If you are going to have any luck with OpenOffice you will have to use
> -current, not 4.0 stable.  Update your ports tree to -current and try
> again, you will see there are several mirrors that work.  If you don't
> understand the difference, please see the online documentation.

Well right me if I`m wrong but OpenOffice IS in the Ports for OpenBSD 4.0
(i386 only). So shouldn`t I exspect a working port then?!
Will a package be avaiable for 4.0 if the Port doesn`t work?!

Kind regards,
Don't buy anything from YeongYang.
Their Computercases are expensiv, they WTX-powersuplies start burning and
their support refuse any RMA even there's still some warenty.

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