On Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 01:49:26PM +0000, Yifei Zhan wrote:
> On 22/01/22 02:30AM, Marc Espie wrote:
> > On Fri, Jan 21, 2022 at 02:07:10PM -0700, Anthony J. Bentley wrote:
> > > Volker Schlecht writes:
> > > > > What kind of gotcha can we get rid of, so that "new ports" will tend 
> > > > > to
> > > > > be squeaky clean, infrastructure-wise, and ready for import.
> > > > An FAQ of sorts might *help*, particularly one addressing the more 
> > > > typical beginner mistakes. What are the things that you guys 
> > > > immediately 
> > > > look out for when a new name offers up a diff because they're usually 
> > > > done wrong?
> > > 
> > > There's https://www.openbsd.org/faq/ports/ ; it's wide open for
> > > suggestions and improvements including possibly large-scale rewriting...
> > > Feel free to send a diff for it to ports@.
> > > 
> > > 
> > Any kind of pointers (including diffs to manpages or whatever) that
> > would make it easier for newcomers to find that
> > would be a great addition to the system.
> > 
> > Especially from "newer" people who have been figuring it out.
> > 
> > Us old-timers have about ZERO idea what's actually needed.
> > 
> Some ideas:
> - How to find LIBDEP:
> https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports&m=164089356505525&w=2
> - A simple CVS quick start guide would be nice, I spent way too long 
> to learn it and I'm still not totally sure how it works. (e.g. how to 
> generate a diff properly/how to apply an inline patch/how to handle 
> new directory...etc)
> yes there are countless guides alrealy on the internet, but most of 
> them are confusing and not really suitable for OpenBSD's workflow.
> and since we are here, what's your workflow of testing/generating 
> diff? often I would corrupt my ports tree while testing/generating 
> diff and have to check out a fresh copy)
> - Make it more clear that git generated diff is acceptable

Would a git-generated email with a diff be acceptable?
In principle, such a patch would be very easy to apply (with git)
to your local git repo - and it can be bounced to appropriately configured CI...

> At the moment it's hidden in a page named 'Building the System from 
> Source', not very clear. Maybe put in on porter's handbook?
> - Some kind of automated pre-submission sanity test would be nice. 
> Should be simpler than a full CI setup. (is my diff mangled? is my 
> tree outdated?)
The OpenBSD-supporting CI I mentioned in my other email
would be very easy to set up for this.


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