Here is the first piece of software from
that is required to use Smart-ID cards on OpenBSD.

Their Qt GUI packs all the features, but th library ships a small tool.

I can successfully sign/validate and en/decrypt files between OpenBSD
and Linux (both officially built and unofficial distribution packages).

Version 3.14.8 currently requires ports OpenSSL 1.1.1, base LibreSSL
fails to build, upstream has support for OpenSSL 3.0 and I plan to
support LibreSSL eventually, but that'll come afterwards.

All patches except the mechanic OpenSSL neutering in CMake files have
been submitted and approved upstream already.

This port depends on the following ports I've sent to ports@ already:
        new: texproc/xml-security-c 2.0.4
        new: devel/xsd
        new: textproc/xalan-c 1.12

Feedback? OK?

Information for inst:libdigidocpp-3.14.8

library for creating DigiDoc signature files

Required by:

libdigidocpp offers creating, signing and verification of digitally signed
documents, according to XAdES and XML-DSIG standards.

digidoc-tool(1) provides a simple CLI.

Maintainer: Klemens Nanni <>


Attachment: libdigidocpp.tgz
Description: Binary data

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