On Fri, Jun 03, 2022 at 08:25:05AM +0000, Klemens Nanni wrote:
> Here is the first piece of software from https://github.com/open-eid
> that is required to use Smart-ID cards on OpenBSD.
> Their Qt GUI packs all the features, but th library ships a small tool.
> I can successfully sign/validate and en/decrypt files between OpenBSD
> and Linux (both officially built and unofficial distribution packages).
> Version 3.14.8 currently requires ports OpenSSL 1.1.1, base LibreSSL
> fails to build, upstream has support for OpenSSL 3.0 and I plan to
> support LibreSSL eventually, but that'll come afterwards.
> All patches except the mechanic OpenSSL neutering in CMake files have
> been submitted and approved upstream already.
> This port depends on the following ports I've sent to ports@ already:
>       new: texproc/xml-security-c 2.0.4
>       new: devel/xsd
>       new: textproc/xalan-c 1.12

Those have already been imported as

> Feedback? OK?

Here's the newest revision, linking against static ports OpenSSL and
correctly pinning the required version.

Feedback? OK?

> ---
> Information for inst:libdigidocpp-3.14.8
> Comment:
> library for creating DigiDoc signature files
> Required by:
> debug-libdigidocpp-3.14.8
> Description:
> libdigidocpp offers creating, signing and verification of digitally signed
> documents, according to XAdES and XML-DSIG standards.
> digidoc-tool(1) provides a simple CLI.
> Maintainer: Klemens Nanni <k...@openbsd.org>
> WWW: https://www.id.ee/

Attachment: libdigidocpp.tgz
Description: Binary data

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