On Tue, Jun 07, 2022 at 04:10:40AM +0000, Klemens Nanni wrote:
> Is our code tripping over a PKGSPEC ending in a version number?
> Or is something wrong with how we roll security/openssl/?

        LIB_DEPENDS +=  security/openssl/1.1>=1.1.1m,<3

has the intended effect and packages fine, so maybe I was just misusing
LIB_DEPENPDS or misunderstanding packages-specs(7).

Still seems odd, though, since the too high/low versions come from other
package paths and not security/openssl/1.1, so why would it find
openssl-1.0.2 or openssl-3.0 in the first place?

Sorry for the noise in case I'm just missing something obvious here.

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