On Tue, Jun 07, 2022 at 10:26:08AM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> The version checks are done using the pkgname, the path has nothing to do
> with it other than to lookup the pkgname (and pkgspec if present).
> By overriding the existing pkgspec coming from security/OpenSSL/X.Y, you are
> taking responsibility for it, so you need to replicate+modify the existing
> spec, there's no means to allow checking against multiple different specs.
> -- 
>  Sent from a phone, apologies for poor formatting.
> On 7 June 2022 05:19:11 Klemens Nanni <k...@openbsd.org> wrote:
> > On Tue, Jun 07, 2022 at 04:10:40AM +0000, Klemens Nanni wrote:
> > > Is our code tripping over a PKGSPEC ending in a version number?
> > > Or is something wrong with how we roll security/openssl/?
> > 
> > LIB_DEPENDS += security/openssl/1.1>=1.1.1m,<3
> > 
> > has the intended effect and packages fine, so maybe I was just misusing
> > LIB_DEPENPDS or misunderstanding packages-specs(7).
> > 
> > Still seems odd, though, since the too high/low versions come from other
> > package paths and not security/openssl/1.1, so why would it find
> > openssl-1.0.2 or openssl-3.0 in the first place?
> > 
> > Sorry for the noise in case I'm just missing something obvious here.

You can put whatever specs you want, stuff like
is just a shorthand.  Internally, it gets expanded into
(and then STEM gets converted into whatever the stem for security/openssl/1.1
is before getting into the pkg args).

there is nothing that prevents writing the exact pkgspec you want as a first
will work just fine.

It's just not necessary 99% of the time.

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