>>Matt Van Halen says:

>I'd go and recommend yer local library; I know our local main branch has
>a huge selection of sheet music, and quite a few country-tab books. I
>myself find tab to be brain numbing and somehow squeezes the soul and
>feel out of playing, but I've checked a few of these out, and they seem

>I want one of my wierdo solos transcribed someday. Like to see the geeks
>at Guitar Player tab out my tasteful bending one note into 3 notes and
>"that's where my fingers landed that time" solo's. Heh heh.

I agree with you about the relative soullessness of note-for-note
transcriptions of instrumental solos, but I'm amazed at these guys' ability
to take the fastest, sloppiest, idiosyncratic, etc. solos and transcribe
them down to the last misstruck note, unintentional harmonic, and
"tasteful" quarter-step bend that was probably intended as a half-step. I
wonder if it just becomes second nature, or if they use technology to
assist them in some way.

Speaking of which, I remember a trick that an old guitar teacher showed me
way back, where you could play (I hope I'm remembering this right) an album
at 17, or whatever that low setting was on old record players, and get the
solo in key, but half as fast and an octave lower.

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