They're saying: "Vince's two-hour all-request concert Saturday on A&E" . .
." that boy can really play some electric geetar" . . . "I pretty much
agree" . . ."he's got great chops as a player and, obviously, a real grasp
of all the country subgenres". . . "a pretty impressive-sounding set ". .
."Vince and band (to my ears, of course) basically  kicked the butt of the
97s and Wtown . . ." etc, etc, etc.
Little behind the curve on this, being a digester, but it's nice to see
Vince getting some props, especially from some who weren't already
converted. With all that's problematic with the Nashville system, Vince is
surely part of any solution. T.V. contrivances aside, it was a terrific
show. Of course, those of us who've seen Vince perform before were not
surprised by the quality of his book or his chops <g>, or that he and his
pros would have it all over those upstarts, the 97s and Wtown <g, again>.
What's the name of the guy who's mentored Vince at MCA again?, his producer?
. . .you know . . . uh, um . . Darth?, no . . . oh yeah, Tony Brown.

n.p. The Key, o' course

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