>Maybe the answer for making RealTwang available is to put RealPlayer on the
>site!  That works for just about everybody everywhere. Really.

Have you seen the rate structure for that? No way could we afford the kind
of traffic we are already seeing using Real streams. Macs are a tiny % of
the market and while we have every intention of making the site Mac
compatible, Real Audio is probably not the way to go at this point.  Should
we run into a total brick wall for Mac users maybe we can make available a
few streams for Mac users.  Personally, I know exactly 2 people with Macs in
a non workplace environment, hundreds with PC's.  This list probably has a
bigger % of Mac users than the general population what with all the writers,
publishers etc...
Most of all, know that we will continue doing everything in our power to
resolve Mac and any other conflicts.
Mike Hays
NOW ONLINE,   http://www.TwangCast.com  TM  RealCountry netcast 24 X 7
Please Visit Then let us know what you think!

Mike Hays www.MikeHays.RealCountry.net
For the best country artist web hosting, www.RealCountry.net

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