At 11:17 PM 1/17/99 -0600, you wrote:
> Man, I never get tired of talking about those guys. Even
>Clarence, the fifth Beatle.
>Lance . . .
Clarence White was a Beatle? I knew he was a Byrd, does that mean he moved
up on the food chain?

I knew Clarence was influential, but a Beatle! Wow!

In all seriousness, I can proove LESS than six degrees seperation betewwen
the Beatles and Clarence White

1. Clarence and Don Rich were buds, They hung out and influenced each other.

1a, In case you haven't read your twang bible, Don Rich was THE guitar
player for Buck Owens adn one of the driving creative forces behind the
Buck sound.

2. The Beatles had an arrangement with Capital where they would be sent
Buck Owens records hot off the press.

Jeff Wall    The Webs least sucky music magazine
727 Alder Circle - Va Beach, Va - 23462 -(757) 467-3764

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