Hey there,

Geff King
>On another note...how many of you p2'ers have owned (or own) a three 
>sided album? And what is it called?
That'd be Monty Python's Matching Tie and Handkercheif, no? Two separate
grooves on side two allowed for 3 sides of comedy. I'm sure someone else
has answered by now. There were also a few Mad Magazine promo 45's with
multiple endings. The one groove split into three and the needle would
take a 'random' ending each time.

Lest you think that CDs ended all this nonsense. A British 'comedian'
Edward Sidebottom (or something like that) release "the worlds longest
comedy CD" its actually 90 minutes of comedy - there are separate bits in
the left channel and right channel so you hear one routine with the
balance all the way to the left and a different one with the balance all
the way to the right. Cool, eh?

CK NP Silos - Cooler (hmmm)
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