Geff King wrote:

<<On another many of you p2'ers have owned (or own) a three sided
album? And what is it called?>>

I own a ONE sided album...
it's Screaming  Trees "Something About Today" EP

If I recall correctly, the b-side has the words "Thank You" or something
etched in it.

Bob Soron added:

>>"Monty Python's Matching Tie and Handkerchief." Side 3 was a hidden track
on Side 2; the two spirals were interwoven so that, when you dropped the
tone arm, you never knew which "side" you'd get.<<

This reminds me of a old MAD Magazine 45 I have/had that had multiple endings
to the song, and depending on how/where your needle hit the groove depended on
which ending you got!

(of course, I played this on the same Hi-Fi I recall stacking multiple records
on for hours of listening enjoyment in my youth)


np: Long Ryders - Native Sons/10-5-60

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