<< > West Coast country and western and American roots music historian,
 > critic and journalist JANA PENDRAGON has begun a new column, THE
 > DRAGONíS ROAR, to be published in the online international journal of
 > arts and ideas, THE TOWER OF BABEL.
 My memory's a little shaky this morning, but isn't that the person who
 wrote a letter to ND rippin' into ol' Cantwell about his negative critique
 of Dwight's half-assed cover album?  Just wonderin'.--don

Not sure if it is or not, but it would make sense. To her credit, Jana's been
the most tireless defender in print of LA country for years now, but so much
so to the point that sometimes it comes across as cheerleading more than it
does critical assessment. I'm not sure if I've ever read much of a negative
review by her. But hey, she's helping give a push to Cisco. That's cool. 

Which reminds me, that press release suggests Cisco having being "physically
charismatic as a young ELVIS PRESLEY..." Please. He looks more like Johnny
Thunders on steroids than Elvis and any sort of charisma comes more form the
punk camp than the pop world. He's constantly alienating people at live gigs
by spouting off about something. 

Neal Weiss

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