(Dodging that "anti-HNC" Stinger missile fired by the Ndubbinistas...<g>,
I respond);

Jon wrote;
>  I dunno, Dan; I don't think I've ever seen anything but dismissals of
>  Garth's "Shameless" or "The Fever," and not because people argued that they
>  were bad jobs or that he didn't do a good job on them.  The very *idea*
>  he was covering Billy Joel and (?) seemed to elicit plenty of vilification
>  all by itself.  

       Was this from rock crits or country crits?   Probably the rock ones, I
would guess.  Either way I just think it's silly,  because I think Billy
Joel's a damn good writer and performer, and I guess it doesn't surprise me
because there's a lotta dumb and hung-up hipster critics out there.   I just
don't think the fans-alt.country or not-are as hung up on a sort of 70's pop
hit/ironic attachment thing as we might think (even tho I think a lot of what
Jake wrote had merit).
        I haven't heard either of those Garth songs (I have actually, but
they're just not coming back into my memory), so I don't know if they're good
versions or not.

     And finally, Billy Joel married Christie-damned-Brinkley and you gotta
give the man props for that alone!

dan "a supermodel in every pot" bentele

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