Sure its OK for an artist to "re-invent themselves" once in a while. Can
anyone say Neil Young " Trans". Mr. Tweedy can say anything he wants and it
doesn't change a thing. He comes from where he comes from and inspires who
he inspires. Who knows maybe the whole alt-country/No Depression movement
might benefit from a "Pet Sounds" impact type of album. Then again as an
artist I know that any press is good press.

Crowd of One

> To: passenger side <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Tweedy quote
> Date: Thursday, March 04, 1999 1:30 PM
>       Yes yes, no one likes to be pidgeon-holed and many want the
> freedom to re-invent themselves from time to time musically. All well and
> good. But methinks Mr. Tweedy protests too much that 

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