On Thu, 4 Mar 1999, Don Yates wrote:

> On Thu, 4 Mar 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >     Yes yes, no one likes to be pidgeon-holed and many want the
> > freedom to re-invent themselves from time to time musically. All well and
> > good. But methinks Mr. Tweedy protests too much that 
> He sure does.  Then again, all of his defensive posturing takes nothing
> away from the pure pop brilliance that's Summerteeth.  It's easily the
> best thing he's ever done.--don

        Well, that's saying a lot. I'm looking forward to hearing

                                Kip (who didn't really mean for this above
                                thing to do out, but I hit "send" instead
                                of "delete"...I multitask badly) 

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