On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, Dave Purcell wrote:

> reference to Tweedy because I'll gladly nominate Jack as the most 
> overrated of the Beats. No one would've heard jack about Jack if 
> Ginsberg hadn't tirelessly shopped and promoted his work. "On 
> The Road" will always be a jackoff work compared to Ginsberg's 
> best stuff.

Wow, we must be of very differnt taste, Dave, because I don't think that
Ginsberg (or many other people, much less Beats) have ever touched 'On the
Road' (or for that matter even the last paragraph of 'On the Road'),
Subterraneans, or Dharma Bums.

At least we are consistantly opposed!! <g>


ps -- for me the term 'alt. country' indicates the combination of (post
Nirvana) ALT-rock and traditional COUNTRY.  UT/Jayhawks exemplefy this

I mean how can people deny UT's influence when the Alt. Country Bible (No
Depression) is named after one of their albums??  Somebody help me here??
(by the way I am aware that the term 'No Depression' has its roots at the
very least in The Carter Family -- but I would bet a quick survey of Peter
Blackstock and Grant Alden would reveal that they used the term with UT
somewhat in mind).

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