Jr. goes:
>Popular taste is not formed before industry dreck gets heard, >>it's 
formed *in and by* industry dreck.
And then Todd goes:
     >When did T.W. Adorno sneak on to the list?
And so I goes:

Like, too long ago? Jr. is using a real overpure Frankfurt-school reading 
of popular culture? And if not superceded totally the likes of Adorno need 
to be modified (sez me) by more recent cultural thinking on response, 
interpretation and appropriation? Adorno was an utter snob? He would think 
every bit of the music we're talking about was dreck, including, say, 
George Jones? (Tho that seems fitting to Jr.'s mood today considering his 
later "romantic music isn't classical music" nitpickery? Like, take a chill 

Plus, y'know, I'd like to, kinda, stand up for myself as more pessimistic 
than Junior? Because while thinking that people are to some degree, like, 
sheep herded and counted in the pens of the purveyors of dreck, I also 
think people can wallow dreck all on their own? Which is why the purveyors 
got to be the big muscular purveyors in the first place? 'Cuz no one ever 
went broke underestimating the taste of the [fill in nation-state here] 
public? Along with the logic of late capitalism, I'll grant you?

But, well, shit, remember even among the dreck there are pearls? Pearls of 
parody at least? Y'what I mean?

     like, Carl W?

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