>>Often in these P2 discussions of radio, I'm surprised at the notion
>>that people could actually make a change in it.  I'm much more of the
>>opinion that the music industry *manufactures* mass taste and the
>>need for its products.  Very pessimistic on that point.  I know it's
>>not a simple equation, but the music and radio companies have all the
>>cards.  Popular taste is not formed before industry dreck gets heard,
>>it's formed *in and by* industry dreck.

When did T.W. Adorno sneak on to the list?

Anyway, right on Junior.  Unfortunately, it's hard not to be pessimistic in
this cultural climate, and to wonder whether anything meaningful can even
get through to people when their tastes, as you suggest, are so thoroughly
mediated by commercial interests and industry dreck....sometimes I wonder
whether all you can hope for as a musician is to try to give people a few
moments of pleasure and count your blessings if you're able to achieve at
least that, however illusory it might be (as opposed to actually believing
that you can encourage real "change" of any kind).


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