I get the feeling this entire journalistic discourse is part of 
larger marketing and publicity calculations.  When these people could 
secure a niche identity for themselves as "altcountry," they did.  
Now that they've consolidated at that level and seek poprock 
market visibility wider than that allowed by the niche label, they 
busy themsevles with "evolving" beyond a caricatural  version of 

When they wanted to be covered in ND, they were "altcountry."   Now 
that they want to get covered in Rolling Stone and Spin and gain 
access to the much larger market demographics they represent, they're 

That's fine, I just wish they didn't feel compelled to misrepresent 
their original audience in such reductive ways....

But yeah, as Todd and Dave remarked, it sure seems to be a trend and 
the journalistic cliche of the season.


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