Excerpts from internet.listserv.postcard2: 26-Mar-99 Twang in Serbia by
> Alex, is there much Twang in your area of the world? I think that it's
> damned amazing that we have listmembers here from places so far away. If
> possible, can you give us any information on Country/Bluegrass/Twang music
> in Eastern Europe? Which artists are popular? Are there many radio stations
> or clubs which feature this music? What's the music scene like over there?
I'll use up my "me too" post of the week to second Jeff's questions and
also wonder how much of the stuff you get from over here is due to
internet contacts.  Your playlists are remarkable.

Excerpts from internet.listserv.postcard2: 26-Mar-99 Twang in Serbia by
> Meanwhile, everybody say a prayer to your diety of choice for everyone who
> is involved in the current conflict, on both sides. And even those in the
> middle. Headed that way in 9 days.

One more "me too".  Finally,

Excerpts from internet.listserv.postcard2: 26-Mar-99 Re: Twang in Serbia
> As a teenager I spent a summer in Belgrade with a girlfriend and came back
> with some Serbian 45s (long since lost in the mists of personal history)
> and a pair of chinese-made Chuck Taylor-style basketball shoes with Mao on
> the little round logo place on the outside heel.  They were extremely cool
> and I wore them all the time till they fell apart about six months later
> (not very well made <g>).

Fantastic.  Junior, I think if we started a "coolest shoe" thread on teh
fluff channel, you'd win hands down.

Carl Z.
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