In a message dated 99-04-09 19:30:52 EDT,stevies said

<<    Sure, fine, but I just find it puzzling.  Hardly anyone has broken the
 consensus (summerteeth = classic, QED) in print, and yet, postcarders aside, 
 have come across a lot of people whose opinion I respect who can't seem to
 summon up any enthusiasm for it. >>

i wonder how many people who like this album actually liked anything done by 
elo, or the sgt. peppers, or late period pink floyd. i mean, that's my 
problem in a nutshell. i can't stand "summerteeth" cause it sounds so much 
like an attempt to duplicate those things, which i loathe. big electronic 
overblown "pop". is there actually anyone out there who liked elo or pink 
floyd who doesn't like this album? or vice versa? id be interested in knowing.


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