Don Yates wrote:

> Instead of maligning those who have a different opinion about the CD, you
> might just wanna chalk it up to different tastes.  I very much doubt the
> likes of David Cantwell (who did an excellent job in the latest ND of
> articulating why he found the album so enchanting) are mindlessly jumping
> on any kind of critical bandwagon.--don

  Sure, fine, but I just find it puzzling.  Hardly anyone has broken the
consensus (summerteeth = classic, QED) in print, and yet, postcarders aside, I
have come across a lot of people whose opinion I respect who can't seem to
summon up any enthusiasm for it.  Another interesting phenomenon is the amount
of people (even some in postcard land) who, initially enthusiastic, find
themselves becoming disenchanted with it once they've lived with it for a

Usually when this sort of thing happens, I can shrug and think, fine, yes, I
see why this is getting called an instant classic, but just don't make me
listen to it.  (Radiohead's OK Computer springs to mind.  OK Computer? Lordy.
Didn't Gary Numan tire this one out 20 years ago?)  When it happens to a band
I used to like a lot, I scratch my head a little and make rash statements
about band-wagon-jumping.  Apologies to anyone whose critical faculties I've


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