Bill Silvers said:

> But how the audience's bad behavior affects the
> performance needs to be taken into account. 
I totally agree.  An indifferent or drunkenly annoying crowd can't expect
the band to be having a good time.  But other than the two drunk guys I
mentioned earlier, the crowd as a whole was clearly supportive: dancing (or
at least head-bopping), singing along, applauding loudly, etc.  If Jeff
couldn't have a good time with us, he should check his pulse ;-)

> If the club can't take steps to
> quiet, or remove drunken-stupid patrons who are disrupting the
> performance, I
> can't blame the performer for getting pissed-off enough about it to "break
> character", so to speak.
Just for the record: what I was saying in my original post was that I was
actually glad to see Tweedy lose patience with the drunken Canadian guys.
It was the first time all night that he'd shown any interest in the whole
concert.  It was after he told them off that he seemed to loosen up and have
some fun.  Normally I would say that people like that should be a bouncer's
first target, but last night they actually served a purpose.  It's just too
bad that Jeff couldn't have been having more fun all along.  It goes back to
what Joe Gracey said earlier: it really looks like the guy doesn't enjoy

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