jr. "on the money"
>It has struck me that Tweedy has gotten to be much more of an attitude
>performer as the years have rolled on.  In UT, he was quite the ray of
>sunshine and the entertaining one compared to Farrar, and he continued to
>have an entertainer's approach and worked his intrinsic charm during the
>early Wilco tours.  Last couple of years, however, as best I've been
>able to observe it, he has definitely caught the artiste bug, in terms of
>his performance style.
>Which is too bad.  I infinitely prefer performers who come out and do
>their best to "entertain" the audience.  Looking like you want to play is
>part of the job, as I figure it....

I couldn't agree more...even if you're not a "showy" sort, a bit of passion
would be nice. <g>  But isn't performing live designed to entertain?
Recorded material is one animal and playing it for folks is a way to
highten the experience, a connection process if you will...  When it's
seemingly just a case of "going through the motions" for the performer, it
automatically devalues that writer for me (or at least turns me a little
cold for a spell)...  I'm not pointing to Tweedy specifically either, if
anyone in that position doesn't like what they do, or doesn't know anymore,
or whatever, don't do it for a bit...Take some time off and kick back.
Man, we've all had bad gigs, but shit, ain't this rock n' roll stuff
supposed to be fun? 


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