Dammit, you all aren't allowed to have this country radio/Nashville fracas
without me. If there's gonna be any geographical knee-jerking -- what an
image! -- around here, then I'm gonna do it! -- Terry Smith

ps seriously, I'm holding out hope that Mandy Barnett's record will chart
on country radio. Hell, it just came out. I'm curious, too, to see whether
all the recent hubbub about big band and swing might translate into
heightened interest for a big sound record like Mandy's.

pps it's been a great week; discovered via the library, Solomon Burke and
Lloyd Price. How'd I ripen into my 40s without having heard these guys?
Mysteries of life.

ppps Made a mistake the other night, and threw on Hadacol right after
introducing myself to Mandy Barnett's new one. It wasn't fair to Hadocol,
and I wound up taking it off after a few songs. I'll have to give it
another chance.

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