Yates opines:
>Anyway, it's too bad the person who wrote
>that essay spent so much time with the cartoon crowd down there -- he/she
>must've missed James Hand, Justin Trevino, Don Walser, Paul Burch, Dale
>Watson and all the other hardcore traditionalists types that played this

Ah, but that's the point.
Those artists aren't "alt." anything.
They are country and western artists, period.
Let's get that established once and for all.

Dave chimes:
>Nice rant, Mark.

Sorry kids, I can't take credit for it.  I only agree wholeheartedly.
It came from a conversation with said "insider" at the back of the dance
floor at the Broken Spoke. It all started when we noticed how nobody was
paying attention to "Hayseed," who we both agree is the real deal.

Sorry about the "deep throat" nature of the author. If I revealed the
source, he'd be out of a job quicker than you can say "first amendment
protection." I was just tickled pink to know I am not alone in my

As for Jerald's note about the Statesman rating Chi-town as an "overrated
music scene," be aware that they practice what I like to call "opposition
journalism" so take that into account.

Mark Rubin

POB 49227, Austin TX 78765

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