M Rubin wrote:
> Yates opines:
> >Anyway, it's too bad the person who wrote
> >that essay spent so much time with the cartoon crowd down there -- he/she
> >must've missed James Hand, Justin Trevino, Don Walser, Paul Burch, Dale
> >Watson and all the other hardcore traditionalists types that played this
> >year.--don
> Ah, but that's the point.
> Those artists aren't "alt." anything.
> They are country and western artists, period.
> Let's get that established once and for all.

Yeah, see, as far as I concerned, what we do and what I like to produce
is not alt anything, it is in fact where country music would have gone
if it had been allowed to progress naturally. Lots of us have taken our
art to the powers that be and been rebuffed in favor of kids in hats and
little girls straight off the cover of Cosmo. Also, we ain't
traditionalists, either, we are doing something new but with an
understanding of where we come from.  

Joe Gracey
President-For-Life, Jackalope Records

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