On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, M Rubin wrote:

> Ah, but that's the point.
> Those artists aren't "alt." anything.
> They are country and western artists, period.
> Let's get that established once and for all.

Oh, I'm well aware of that -- I was just pointing out that it seemed silly
for our anonymous essayist to waste a lotta time seeing bands he/she
couldn't stand when there were plenty of folks playing down there that
they probably would've enjoyed a helluva lot more.  Many of 'em weren't
playin' the official showcases, but they were still pretty easy to find.
> Sorry kids, I can't take credit for it.  I only agree wholeheartedly.
> It came from a conversation with said "insider" at the back of the dance
> floor at the Broken Spoke. It all started when we noticed how nobody was
> paying attention to "Hayseed," who we both agree is the real deal.

"Nobody" paying attention?  Maybe from your vantage point shmoozing in the
back of the Spoke.<g>  Where I was sitting (literally at Hayseed's feet),
the crowd was in rapt attention.
> Sorry about the "deep throat" nature of the author. If I revealed the
> source, he'd be out of a job quicker than you can say "first amendment
> protection." I was just tickled pink to know I am not alone in my
> assessments.

I think you've been away from P2 for too long -- there wasn't anything in
the rant that hasn't been said here many times.  And even from folks with
their real names attached!<g>  Not that it wasn't fun to toss that rant
into the mix.  Still, as a critique of a musical style it was kinda
wishy-washy.  It would've been more useful if specific bands were 

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