Victor Duchovni wrote, at 02/08/2009 03:37 PM:
> On Sun, Feb 08, 2009 at 09:08:32PM +0100, mouss wrote:
>> No, I was referring to the "Sent" folder, populated by the MUA, either
>> in a local disk or using IMAP.
> I know some people clever-enough to set "Sent == Inbox", yes this is not
> very common.

I do this, and also use the Thunderbird feature "Place replies in the
folder of the message being replied to" to keep the entire thread in a
single folder. This makes it a lot easier to review the thread in
progress and then properly archive it.

> I personally have rules that tag outgoing mail into non-default Fcc
> folders, replies are moved there too, and correct threading is expected.
> Still, clearly this will do only modest harm if any for some sets of users.

Some MUAs are better than others at organizing threads. Nonetheless, I'd
be more than a little miffed if an admin broke threading and justified
it because most users are unaware of the feature.

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