On 17/06/24 13:54, Paul Schmehl via Postfix-users wrote:
I’m seeing this error in the roundcube logs:

[16-Jun-2024 20:28:58 -0500]: <n142glqv> SMTP Error: Authentication failure: mail.stovebolt.com
SIZE 900000000
CHUNKING (Code: 250) in /var/www/html/webmail/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube.php on line 1794 (POST /webmail/?_task=mail&_unlock=loading1718587737852&_framed=1&_action=send)

[16-Jun-2024 20:34:16 -0500]: <n142glqv> PHP Error: SMTP server does not support authentication (POST /webmail/?_task=mail&_unlock=loading1718588056454&_framed=1&_action=send)

[16-Jun-2024 20:34:16 -0500]: <n142glqv> SMTP Error: Authentication failure: mail.stovebolt.com
SIZE 900000000
CHUNKING (Code: 250) in /var/www/html/webmail/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube.php on line 1794 (POST /webmail/?_task=mail&_unlock=loading1718588056454&_framed=1&_action=send)

For starters these are not Postfix logs. I do not know what roundcube logs are supposed to look like but you have shown two sets of what appear to be responses to the EHLO command. Both of the above responses were made prior to or entirely without the issuance of a STARTTLS command so a well configured postfix will not show AUTH support until after STARTTLS is issued and a TLS session is established.

This leads me to the conclusion that you do not have Roundcube configured to use TLS and therefore postfix will not offer authentication to roundcube until you fix this. There may be other issues as well which I cannot tell you until I see actual postfix logs and configuration as shown in the DEBUG_README file.

The odd thing is, I don’t see any connection attempts at all in the mail logs. However, this log entry has me wondering. PHP Error: SMTP server does not support authentication

Postfix will always show connection attempts in the mail logs. If it is not then something is likely wrong with your syslog implelmentation. There can sometimes be issues with journald dropping log messages before they can get passed to rsyslog, assuming your system has such a setup then have a look at journald.conf(5) specifically at the RateLimitIntervalSec and RateLimitBurst configuration parameters to journald which have some rather unfortunate defaults.

I should note that if you're not seeing *any* postfix entries in maillog then it's likely that there are other issues such as rsyslog not being installed or not running or journald not being configured to pass log entries through to rsyslog.

Also note that if you cannot or do not wish to get journald and rsyslog properly configured then postfix can be configured to write directly to it's own log file rather than use the syslog facility, see:


Should postfix be announcing that it accepts AUTH LOGIN?

Probably not since the LOGIN mech is a poor implementation that was only ever needed to support some very old outlook express email clients. Postfix should, however, be announcing "AUTH PLAIN" support, but only after a TLS session is established, not before (see above).

If so, I may have missed something in the config. I’m wondering if roundcube is not even attempt auth because postfix isn’t announcing it as a service that it offers.

It's likely that roundcube is not configured for TLS and postfix is (as it should be) configured not to offer AUTH until TLS is established.

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