> On Jun 17, 2024, at 12:16 AM, Peter via Postfix-users 
> <postfix-users@postfix.org> wrote:
> On 17/06/24 16:49, Paul Schmehl via Postfix-users wrote:
>> On Jun 16, 2024, at 10:30 PM, Peter via Postfix-users 
>> <postfix-users@postfix.org> wrote:
>>> It's likely that roundcube is not configured for TLS and postfix is (as it 
>>> should be) configured not to offer AUTH until TLS is established.
>> Yes, postfix is configured to use TLS, and no roundcube is not. When I 
>> configure roundcube to connect using TLS it can’t even connect to the 
>> server. I don’t understand what’s going on with roundcube, but it’s 
>> definitely not behavior I would expect. It’s had me pulling my hair out for 
>> two days, and I don’t even have any hair.
> Without seeing logs and actual config settings I can only guess.  One thing 
> to keep in mind is that there's two types of TLS connection, implicit TLS and 
> explicit TLS.  Implicit TLS connects to a port dedicated to TLS connections, 
> for submission this is the submissions (note the "s" on the end) port 465 
> (formerly called smtps) and is now the recommended service to submit mail to. 
>  This is also controlled by the "wrappermode" setting in master.cf for the 
> service.  Explicit TLS connects first in plain text then uses the STARTTLS 
> command to establish a TLS session, this is how the submission (note no "s" 
> on the end) service on port 587 works.  If you have wrappermode incorrectly 
> set in postfix, or you have the wrong setting in roundcube then roundcube may 
> be trying to connect with implicit TLS when postfix is expecting explicit TLS 
> or vice-versa, either one will cause a failure at or shortly after connection 
> time.
> There are other possible reasons for TLS connection problems and without 
> seeing logs and settings it's impossible to determine what the actual issue 
> is.
>> I’m hoping I have solved the problem. I have roundcube sending mail on port 
>> 25 with no auth (all daemons are running on the same server), and it is 
>> sending mail. Gmail rejects it, but I’ve altered my spf record to include 
>> localhost. I hope once that propagates my problems with be solved.
> You should not use port 25 for submission.  Port 25 should be for MX 
> communication *only* and attempting to use it for submission will cause many 
> many problems.  Use either submissions (465) or submission (587) instead.  Do 
> note that the newest recommendations are to use submissions.

Thank you Peter. I’ll have to chew on this for a while.

Paul Schmehl
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