On 3-Aug-2009, at 15:57, Robert Schetterer wrote:
yes i know many mailling services from big companies
who missed the reverse dns, but its their problem,
after all if they cant get out their mail it should finally bounce to
someone responsable

No, you're still not understanding.

Say you have a ... oh, I dunno, a DHCP server/router that your entire office network plugs into. And say it has a feature, as so many do, to send alerts via email if say the uplink goes down. Now, that email configuration is very primitive, has almost not options, and also doesn’t likely have rDNS configured correctly on it.

When the uplink goes down and the emails get rejected, there's no one to know. The human is involved, you just don't get the alert you are expecting when you expect it.

Who gets blamed when it's discovered all those emails where never delivered? The person in charge of the mailserver.

With excitement like this, who is needing enemas?

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