I apologize if this topic seems basic or I'm missing something obvious
here, but after much googling and looking to Ralph's book for answers,
I am still unclear on this...

Despite creating a slow transport for yahoo and verifying that the
unix socket 'slow' exists, it seems that it's not being used. Our
connections to yahoo are still occurring at a rate faster than
specified here in main.cf params and there is no 'postfix-slow'
anywhere in my maillogs. This is true for mail originating from the
postfix host sent from CLI and for mail accepted for relay (from
another local trusted machine) bound for yahoo.

slow     unix   -       -       n       -       1       smtp
   -o syslog_name=postfix-slow

slow_destination_rate_delay = 120
slow_destination_concurrency_limit = 1
slow_destination_recipient_limit = 2
slow_connection_cache_time_limit = 0
slow_never_send_ehlo = yes
slow_connect_timeout = 5

Thank you for any help.

- Andrew

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