On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 2:02 PM, Victor Duchovni
<victor.ducho...@morganstanley.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 01:59:25PM -0400, fursink wrote:
>> Would the fact that this is 2.3.3... prevent the transport from working
>> at all?
> No, and in fact the transport is almost certainly used, but "-o
> syslog_name" does not work as expected in 2.3.3. Rather, the syslog_name
> is inherited from the master(8) daemon, and cannot be customized on a
> per-service basis.
>> I would think the transport should still function even without
>> rate-delay, though
> It does.
>> I will now look into building an upgrade if that's what it takes.
>> related - if slow transport is working, will the log show
>> "postfix/postfix-slow" rather than "postfix/smtp"?
> No.
> --
>        Viktor.
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Than what is the preferred method to verify that a transport is being used
for the domain it configured for...

- Andrew

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