On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 02:06:19PM -0400, fursink wrote:

> >> related - if slow transport is working, will the log show
> >> "postfix/postfix-slow" rather than "postfix/smtp"?
> >
> > No.
> Than what is the preferred method to verify that a transport is being used
> for the domain it configured for...

Generally, you don't need to verify this. If the transport table is defined
it is used as advertised. If you absolutely must check:

    - Send mail to two users that should map to separate transports.

    - Quickly (< 100 seconds on idle machines) check the process table,
    looking at the "-n" field of the various "smtp" delivery agents.

For example, as mail is delivered on my servers via the "relay" transport,
I see in the process table:

    postfix  32645 14325  0 14:05 ?        00:00:00 smtp -n relay -t unix -u ...


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