Dear friends,
Thanks for this nice discussion. Actually, as a project, we are going to
deliver an e-mail architecture which supports over 1000000 users. We use
Postfix, courier-imap, amavisd-new, spamassassin and clamav and of course
the tools needed to balance the load between multiple instances of the
mentioned tools. We use specmail to test our architecture. Recently, we have
introduced our intended e-mail filtering platform consisting amavisd-new,
spamassassin and clamav to the architecture and we have observed significant
delivery time decrease regarding Postifx. As a way out, we thought of the
ways which made it possible to do offline virus scanning, but actually we
have found that amavisd-new together with it's filtering tools is a serious
performance bottleneck.
I really appreciate suggestions regarding this scenario.

Warm Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/12/1 Thomas Harold <>

> On 11/30/2009 3:11 AM, Ali Majdzadeh wrote:
>> Stan, Hi Thanks for your detailed response. Actually, the main reason
>> which drove us toward performing virus scanning as an offline process
>> was performance. As we deal with large amounts of e-mails, we found
>> the way amavisd-new or other filtering management tools performing
>> filtering too slow. We intended to somehow decrease the amount of
>> load which amavisd-new or similar tools impose on the architecture.
> Did you only try virus filtering within amavisd-new, or did you also try
> using the clamav-milter at SMTP time?  How much are you blocking at SMTP
> time and how much is getting through to amavisd for scoring?
> (On a side note, I'm curious whether the new clamav milter in ClamAV
> 0.95 is faster and better then letting the messages reach amavisd-new.
> I use the clamav-milter and have disabled virus scanning on the
> amavisd-new side.)

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