Roman Gelfand a écrit :
> I am running postfix with anti spam filter (policyd-weight, sqlgrey,
> grossd, dkim, senderid-milter, dspam) .  With this configuration, I am
> down to under 10 spams a day.  Looking at my backend server which is
> exchange 2007, I find that all of the remaining spam messages have
> spam confidence level of 7 or greater, which implies this is blatant
> spam.  Is there spam filter software software that works with postfix
> that can perform checks similar to that of exchange 2007 spam
> confidence level?

we can't really tell since we didn't see the messages that made it
through postfix+friends.

if the messages contained a URI listed at uribl or surbl, then you could
try using uribl/surbl via milter-link or via spamassassin (via

anyway, You can add spamassassin (via amavisd-new) to your chain and see
 if it improves your filtering.

at one time, the question becomes: is the additional effort worth the pain?

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