Am 25.02.2013 22:39, schrieb Birta Levente:
> On 25/02/2013 22:59, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> Am 25.02.2013 21:54, schrieb Birta Levente:
>>> On 25/02/2013 12:38, marcos gonzalez wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Thanks for the answer.
>>>> I'm reading how more of you separates http of mail, is correct but If you 
>>>> needs the same SSL certificate for more
>>>> than one domain, and for legal questions you can't include all domains in 
>>>> one certificate, I don't know If
>>>> postfix has the possibility to create a table domains where you can say " 
>>>> for this domain this certificate". I
>>>> know is a very special case and not's typical to do, and for this I prefer 
>>>> to comment to this list.
>>>> If anyone knows how to create this rule, be grateful
>>> I use multiple certificate on multiple domains with multiple postfix 
>>> instances :)
>> have fun if you are growing up to 100, 200, 300, 500 domains
>> ypur administration overhead will grow dramatically for zero
>> benefit or you have sooner or later to go back to a unified
>> servername
>> the idiot who was admin befor eme also thought it is cool
>> to have "mail.domain.tld" and communicate it for his 5
>> domains, now as we are have some hundret of them i am
>> happy that i have made the step to unify it to ""
>> with ONE certificate and ONE ip-address for keep things simple
> Absolutely right. But in my case (and possibly others) it's about 10 domains 
> ... and only 2 have different
> certificate/IP .... because ...well ... they have ... it's from situation to 
> situation...

so setup a vritual machine for them or explain them
that it is useless - the argumentation is simple: price

let them pay enough to maintain their VN's and if they
do not want to pay, well, give them a setup which works
for 100, 500, 1000, 5000 domains perfectly

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