in other words NO.
in reality outside you dont do this.

the MAILSEERVER authenticates his self with his Cert/key/CA.
NOT the Domains self he is responsible for.

So it doesnt matter, how many domains the mailserver is responsible for.
You need only one Cert/Key for the Mailserver.

On Https its another thingie, there the clients are anonmyous.

The Mailserver dont connect to another server and wants to upload there an mail and says "hello for DOMAIN i wil upload a mail, and this is the cert/key/ca for"

The Mailserver connects to other Mailserver and says, hello I AM MAILSERVER , and i will upload you a mail from Heres the cert/key/CA for

do you understand now?

u tell via DNS WHAT mailsever is responsible for the mailexcange for

thats it.


a very great howto/guide that made many things clear for me the last days was:

please, forget your mumpitz with hundreds of certs for domains on a mailserver.
You DONT need it.

Am 2013-02-25 11:38, schrieb marcos gonzalez:

Thanks for the answer.

I'm reading how more of you separates http of mail, is correct but If
you needs the same SSL certificate for more than one domain, and for
legal questions you can't include all domains in one certificate, I
don't know If postfix has the possibility to create a table domains
where you can say " for this domain this certificate". I know is a
very special case and not's typical to do, and for this I prefer to
comment to this list.

If anyone knows how to create this rule, be grateful


On 25/02/2013 10:46, Marko Weber | ZBF wrote:

The "one" Mailserver, that is doing mailing for N Domains,
only need "one" Certificate.

Other thing is with "websites", they need each one.
connect multiple ip´s to the server for multiple websites ssl certs.

but the mailserver only one for himself.

the other mailserver dont look "what domain" sends the mail, they look
from where the mail is coming. its coming from your one mailserver.
so the mailserver only needs one certificate, but can be responsible
for multiple domains.

got it?

(hope its easy explained)


Am 2013-02-25 10:33, schrieb marcos gonzalez:

Im preparing a server with postfix 2.7.1 and now Im with the process
to certificate de connection. I have two domains and normally using
multipli domains certificate ou can join this, but the propierty of
domains is different and you can't do that. How resolves this problem
the companies with N domains associated?

Best Regards

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