Am 25.02.2013 11:38, schrieb marcos gonzalez:
> I'm reading how more of you separates http of mail, is correct but If you 
> needs the same SSL certificate for more
> than one domain, and for legal questions you can't include all domains in one 
> certificate, I don't know If postfix
> has the possibility to create a table domains where you can say " for this 
> domain this certificate". I know is a
> very special case and not's typical to do, and for this I prefer to comment 
> to this list.

you need to understand how SSL works at all and
you would realize that this is not possible

the SSL handshake happens at the connection time
you CAN NOT switch to a different certificate in a EXISTING connection

forget it, it is not possible and it will never be possible
you can setup a dedicated IP address and multiple interfaces
with their own configuration, but this is a completly useless
work - you do not need different domain names at SMTP/POP3/IMAP
for secure encryption and anybody which tells you it is required
is a fool without technical knowledge

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